Saturday, December 12, 2009

Does GOD exist?

FOR centuries, people all over the world have pondered over the existence of God. Several experiments and techniques have been employed in contemplating the nature of God, the implications in accepting a theory that personifies Him, as well as strong theories to deny the existence of such a phenomenon as God. Scientific methods, often known and believed to produce the most accurate and reliable results and theories try to analyze the behaviour of nature by "observable physical evidence as the basis". Spiritual thinking on the other hand tries to explore metaphysical truths and relations that describe complex processes in nature. It is therefore natural, in the modern day world, that people place little belief on 'mere theories' explaining phenomena that cannot be verified by experimental evidence. Concepts like Electricity and magnetism cannot be 'seen' or 'heard', but can be realized through several experiments and real life experiences. One cannot see (or even hope to see in the near future) the orbiting electrons inside an atom of an element, but believes that they are the constituents of the building blocks of the entire Universe around him, because Scientific observations and convincing theories exist to reinforce this belief. On the contrary, 'GOD', in this sense, does not exist as He cannot be visualized by physical senses, nor demonstrated of His presence through experiments. Science draws simple borders to distinguish the 'Truth' from the 'myth'.

Non-theists often find idolatry amusing. As a famed Kannada poet puts it -

which indicates that people "waste their effort and energy in seeking a non-existent 'God' through lifeless statues in temples". It is this view that throws out several questions -
1) why should one believe in a God who is inaccessible, imperceptible and inexplicable?
2) even if God exists, and is often assumed to be omnipotent and infinite, why should He be prayed in the form of stone idols?

Some analogies and thoughts can be clustered in seeking answers to these rather abstract questions-
First of all, we see that the questions themselves demonstrate the lack of a holistic approach in seeking the truths of nature and God. The basic tenets of modern Science dictate us to believe only those things that are observable and could be comprehended by 'Scientific' theories. In other words, they narrow down our understanding into a limited space and deny the existence of the unknown or unfathomable phenomena beyond their scope.
Let's use an example from Mathematics to illustrate this idea - let us assume all observations in a certain field are limited to measurements in the 2-D plane X shown below:

However, if there exists a vector Y beyond the shaded plane X in figure, these observations fail to conclude anything about the vector. Obviously, when viewed from the observation devices in the X plane, the little vector x exists, as it lies in the plane and can be measured, but vector Y doesn't, as it doesn't render to any measurements in the X plane! It's not the fault of the devices with limited scope to predict incorrect results; it's only our fault if we choose to believe only the outcomes of those observations as the final truth. Image Courtesy: Roy Smith, Professor, UCSB
Similarly, we must realize that Science does not demonstrate the non-existence of God; it is simply insufficient to quantize and describe Him through deterministic equations and expressions. Probably because God Himself chose to exist in such abstract worlds beyond our comprehension! Thus, it naturally becomes incorrect and in fact, frivolous to conclude the non-existence of God owing to lack of experimental evidence. There is the need for a new tool - a different approach to understand these complex realities.....

Let's get back to the earlier example on vectors. How do we observe the presence of the vector in a higher dimension from the restricted space of a lower dimension? The easiest approach is to 'split' the vector into it's constituent 'projections' along the dimensions which can be seen.

For example, this short clip demonstrates how to measure the angle of rotation of a vector in a higher dimension by looking at it's 'shadow' in a plane where we can measure angles conveniently.

Animation Courtesy: Roy Smith, Professor, UCSB
In this way, we may obtain an understanding of the mechanics of the vector limited to the space of our observation - the XY plane. If we have means to resolve and observe the vector into all of it's component dimensions, then we can get a complete description of the dynamics of the vector.

Juxtaposing this situation with the attempt of understanding God, we may assert that though He cannot be perceived by ordinary physical senses, an attempt can be made by 'projecting' Him along the five fundamental dimensions or Panchabhootas, and sensing his presence through five observation channels - the Panchendriyas. The 'Bhaagavata' prescribes nine methods of Bhakti in the attempt of seeking the Lord -

It is definitely not easy to meditate upon the abstract and infinite formulation of God; that requires supernatural vision beyond the scope of ordinary mortals. How then does one use these methods to seek God in normal everyday life? ShreeKrishna provides answers in the Geeta-

He says that it is quite complicated a process to realize his abstract and omnipotent nature. However, He assures that the ones who propitiate Him through meditation upon his Vibhuti's, Avataras, Gunas and infinite forms ultimately seek Him in Nirvaana or Moksha.
This is the primary reason why 'Moortipooja' or idol worship is formulated. Focussed meditation upon the infinite forms of the lord helps one achieve Jnaana, Bhakti and Vairagya. Even the procedure of the Devapooja outlines the necessity of idol worship in order to seek the lord within -

According to the Mantra, the performer of the Pooja has to meditate upon the 'Aikya' or semblance of the Bimba of the Lord within the heart and the form of Hari in the Saligramashilaa in order to perform the Pooja. Thus, idol worship becomes the primary attempt in realizing His presence by 'projecting' Him into the idol and offering our obeisances to this form.
Subsequent learning and practice of Adhyatma provides answers to other mystic formulations of the Lord- questions as how the Lord can exist in every substance- living and non-living in this Universe without being perceived; how he can be all-pervading and yet so subtle. While meditating upon the Lord's 'Savitrumandala' form during the Gayatri mantra japa, one sees nothing else around him except the above form. In other words, he realizes through this means that God does not reside in this Universe - actually the entire Universe is composed of him. He is omnipresent and thus is the 'basic building block' of the Universe. And we 'project' His being into three fundamental 'planes'- Bhu, Bhuvah and Svah - the physical, the subtle and the causal/transendental states to realize Him.
It is this understanding that convinces us that God DOES exist. All we need to do is to step out of barriers of ordinary Sciences in realizing Him. And embrace the Science of Spirituality or 'Adhyatma' in comprehending His creations.


  1. @Naagu: Well written. But before one comes up with a theory to prove or disprove the existence of GOD(I am still not sure what the word "GOD" means), Can you tell me why we need do that? What benefit mankind would get out of this result? For me, why we are trying to achieve something is more important than what we are trying to achieve.

  2. Mankind has always sought answers to the most intriguing questions about nature. Scientific Quest in order to understand the mysteries of the Universe has been an innate attribute of the Human being. Nobody questions NASA when it spends billions of dollars in launching satellites to take images of Saturn's rings; we want ANSWERS to questions and do not always seek carnal 'results' in such discoveries. Thus, even looking from a neutral perspective, seeking God becomes an effort in understanding the inexplicable mysteries of nature.
    The question can also be discussed from a personal viewpoint- for example, one need not know how organs and tissues in his/her own body might function so perfectly in harmony to keep him/her healthy. Yet, they function exactly the same way in every individual. However, exploring these processes provides a better, if not a complete understanding of their complex functionalities. In a similar way, God is present in and around us and drives the entire life-forms and insentient beings in the Universe, irrespective of whether we choose to understand Him or not. However, we explore Him in order to answer such basic questions as to why we are the way we are, why we behave the way we do, and so on. This is the 'why' of what we try to achieve....

  3. Nice post.. insightful analogies :)

  4. Nice writing.

    >> Thus, it naturally becomes incorrect and in fact, frivolous to conclude the non-existence of God owing to lack of experimental evidence.


    Simply put, if X cannot prove a proposition Y, it does not necessarily mean Y is untrue, it could very well mean X's proof-abilities are inadequate.

    I found a link to your blog on Vineeth Kashyap's blog. Glad to have stumbled upon it. Please do write more. Thank you.

  5. Thanks for your appreciation Abhiram! It's actually been an year since I've written in this space...I hope to break the hiatus and write interesting things!

  6. Very well articulated.. super guru :)
